Carer’s week

The North Arden PCN is supporting Carers Week. From 5 – 11th June, carers will be recognised and celebrated as we mark the annual campaign, which aims to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.
The campaign is brought to life by thousands of individuals and organisations who come together to provide support for carers, run activities, highlight the vital role carers play in our communities and draw attention to just how important caring is. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much needed support.
Please follow the link for further information on carers week.
In England 6 million people provide care, unpaid, to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental or physical illness, substance misuse issue, or who needs extra help as they grow older.
Caring’s impact on all aspects of life from relationships and health to finances and work can be overwhelming. Whilst many feel that caring is one of the most important things they do, its challenges should not be underestimated. Caring without the right information and support can be tough.
It is vitally important that we recognise the contribution carers make to their families and local communities, workplaces and society, and that they get the support they need.
Are you a carer?
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, or who needs extra help as they grow older. It isn’t someone who volunteers or is employed to provide support.
Even children and young people can be carers.
Carers are not always known to their GP practice. Many carers may not readily identify themselves as a carer. Instead, they see themselves as someone’s partner, relative or friend who is simply ‘doing their best’ to help someone they care about.
We as a PCN are keen to identify our patients who are playing this role, and support them wherever we can. If you are a carer please contact your GP surgery and let them know so that they can add you to their register. In the case of patients registered with The Atherstone Surgery you can fill out their carers’ registration form HERE. For Station Street patients you can contact them via AccuRx on their website HERE. Or for Springhill patients via their website HERE. Or alternatively speak to your surgeries dedicated reception staff and they will be happy to add you to their register.
How can we help?
Our social prescriber, Jennifer Jones is our carers champion and she can support carers in a number of ways. She can help putting you in touch with carers organisations like CRESS who can offer free emergency or planned cover for carers so that you can attend to your own medical or mental health needs. Jenny can also refer you to other organisations who can help with financial and equipment support, help put you in touch with other carers and help with your mental wellbeing and/or physical health.
If you are a carer and would like some additional help or support please contact your GP surgeries reception team and ask for an appointment with our social prescriber.

Useful Resources
For a variety of guides designed to give carers the help and support they need please follow the links below:
- Carers Trust: Activity Project for Carers of People With Dementia
- Carers Trust: Retirement on Hold
- Parkinson’s Carers Guide
- Independent Age: Caring for Someone
- Working Families: Balance Work & Caring guide
- Working Families: Getting into Work Guide
- Alzheimers Society: Caring for Someone with Dementia
- MSA Trust: Caring for Someone with MSA Guide
- Mobilise: Carers Guide to Respite
- Caring Together: Help with Energy Debt
- Carers UK: Information & Support Guide
- Gov.UK Carers Allowance
- Caring Together: Financial Support Information for Carers
Please take a look at the links below for a selection of sites dedicated to giving carers the help and Support they need:
- Cares UK
- Carers Week: Information for Carers
- Carers First
- Carers Trust
- NHS UK: Support & Benefits
- Age UK
- Working Families
- Care for Carers
- Rethink
How You Can Get Involved – Share the news about Carers Week.
The theme for this year’s carer’s week is ‘Recognising and Supporting Carers in the Community’.
Representatives from a variety of organisations have come together to look at ways to increase recognition and support to unpaid carers. Get involved, sign up to the Carer’s week newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news about carer’s week.

Are you a young carer?
A young carer is someone under the age of 18 who helps to care for a family member, relative or friend with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem. A young person aged 16-25 with caring responsibilities can be known as a young adult carer and they may have different support needs to younger carers.
As many as 1 in 5 children and young people are young carers in the UK.
If you’re a young carer, you probably look after one of your parents or care for a brother or sister.
You may do extra jobs in and around the home, such as cooking, cleaning or helping someone get dressed and move around.
You may also give a lot of physical help to a parent, brother or sister who’s disabled or ill.
Young people with caring responsibilities have all the challenges of being young, with all the responsibilities of being an adult, and they’re often left to face these alone.
Please click on the following links for a selection of sites geared specifically towards helping young carers.
- Warwickshire Young Carers
- NHS UK: Being a Young Carer
- NHS UK: Help for Young Carers
- Carers Trust: Young Carers
- Barnardos
- Carers Trust Heart of England
- Carers First: Young Carers
- Children Society: Supporting Young Carers
- Action for Children
Or take a look at the guides below from dedicated to the needs of young carers.
- Carers Trust: My Future My Feelings My Family Leaflet
- Carers Trust: Enabling Young Carers to Reach Their Goal in Life Leaflet
- Young Minds: Coping With Life Leaflet
In March 2023 with growing network of over 150 organisations The Young Carers Alliance was launched. The Young Carers Alliance provides opportunities for collaboration, sharing best practice and a strong, collective voice for young carers. By clicking the links below you can get information on how to sign up as an individual or as an organisation and see what is being done to help support our young carers. To see what events are being held for young carers as part of the alliance visit Upcoming Young Carers Alliance Events.
There is also a national event for young carers on 30th June – 2nd July, the Young Carers Festival (YCF) hosted by The Children’s Society. This is the biggest gathering of young carers in the world. It is a way for young carers to come together and unwind. With fairground rides, live music, fireworks and much more, these amazing young carers can enjoy and take some time for themselves. It also serves as a political arena for young carers to have their say and affect change.