Are you a carer?
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, or who needs extra help as they grow older. It isn’t someone who volunteers or is employed to provide support. Even children and young people can be carers.
Practical Care
Warwickshire Adult Social Care Team
The Adult Social Care Team can work with you to assess your care needs within your home. They can conduct an initial financial assessment to determine if you are eligible, and if so can then help to put an appropriate package of care into place. This could include things like personal care/equipment etc. To find out more click HERE.
Care Choices
Care Choices offer an option of downloading/ordering a Warwickshire Care Services Directory so that you can find out more about what care services are available nearby to you. This can include care homes, home support etc. To find out more, click HERE.
Carer’s Trust
Carer’s trust can provide support at home such as practical support, personal care, respite care, domestic services, live in care services and social and community-based services. To find out more, click HERE.
Home Instead
Home Instead offer a range of services to support personalised care within the home. This is a chargeable service and can include options such as day care/night care/respite/personal care etc. To find out more, click HERE.
Emotional Support
Home Instead
As well as practical support, home instead can also offer companionship services which helps your loved one to have the company of a care professional who can help them to keep active, have someone to socialise with at home, and help to give families a rest. To find out more click HERE.
Age UK
Age UK offer befriending services such as telephone friendship. Depending on area they may also offer face to face befriending and social activities. To find out more click HERE.
Carer’s Trust
As well as providing homecare services, Carer’s Trust also provide a range of services to help ensure unpaid carers feel valued, respected, and supported in their carer role, such as carer support groups, breaks for carers (CRESS) and advice and support on how to manage your own health and wellbeing. To find out more, click HERE.
Community Support/Activity Groups
The Makery in Nuneaton town centre offers a community based, friendly space where you can go along for a cuppa and a chat. They offer various support groups for carers, bereavement, dementia etc. They also run craft groups too. To find out more, click HERE.
White Hart Community Group offer a Social Hub where you and your loved ones can go along for a cuppa and a chat in a friendly and welcoming space. They also run hobby groups too. To find out more, click HERE.
Atherstone Arts & Crafts Group run at the Black Horse in Atherstone on Wednesdays 10-12pm and only ask for a £1 donation towards tea/coffee. You are welcome to bring along anything you wish to work on, and the group is as much about socialising as it is about the crafts. To find out more, contact Sara on 07885 420129.
Atherstone Library offer groups such as a coffee afternoon, craft groups, reading groups etc. To take a look at what’s on, click HERE.
Atherstone Leisure Complex offer a variety of over 50s activities. To find out more, click HERE.
Local Walking Groups. There are lots of walking groups set up across Nuneaton and North Warwickshire. To find out more, click HERE.
Additional practical care options
Citizen’s Advice
Our local Citizen’s Advice team can help to provide you with advice and guidance on a range of matters including benefits and finances etc. You can either contact them directly on 01827 712852, or our Social Prescribing Link Worker can put a referral through to them on your behalf. To find out more about their services, click HERE.
Age UK
Age UK offer a range of services to support our older population, including information and advice in a range of practical and emotional areas. Their services can also include practical support for those day-to-day jobs such as cooking, washing, food shopping etc. To find out more, click HERE.
Lifeline is a personal alarm scheme available to anyone who may have health issues, a disability, be at risk of falling, living in a vulnerable situation or who lives alone and wants to feel more secure. To find out more click HERE.
Meals on wheels
The People’s Pantry service covers Atherstone. They charge £6.50 for a 2-course meal, delivered to a client’s doors. They cook and prepare on a Wednesday and deliver fresh on a Thursday. They can tailor the meals to suit a vegetarian and gluten free diet. To find out more, contact Sally Evans on 07876 335946.
Wiltshire Farm Foods also provide a ‘meals on wheels’ service. please click HERE.
Volunteer Friends offer a community transport service for those living in Nuneaton who are unable to access public transport due to poor health/caring responsibilities/old age or disability. They can help with attending medical appointments, supported shopping and social transport. To find out more click HERE.
West Midlands Ambulance Service can also offer transport to hospitals and treatment centres provided you meet their criteria. To find out more click HERE.
REMAP – custom-made equipment for disabled people.
REMAP are a charity-based organisation who can help to find ways for those with disabilities to be able to engage in their hobbies by designing custom-made equipment completely free of charge. Please click HERE.
Ambacare deliver services which support people to live as well as their circumstances allow. They develop and deliver evidence-based programmes to support people to improve their physical, emotional, and mental health. They work with adults aged 18+ including people affected by dementia; living with long term conditions; experiencing physical and/or mental health issues; frail and/or have complex needs; isolated and/or lonely; vulnerable; informal carers. To find out more click HERE.
Information and advice
Dementia UK have a helpline that you can call to access a whole range of information and advice on dementia, whether it’s practical or emotional. Please click HERE.
Alzheimers UK also provide a helpline that you can call to access a range of information and advice. They can also advise you on where your local support is e.g. social groups, support in the community, transport, day care etc. Please Click HERE.
Local community / support groups
Phoenix Group are a local organisation that run groups to offer support those with dementia and their loved ones. They also provide entertainment and events to enjoy too. Please click HERE.
White Hart Community Group have advertised on their website a dementia group which takes place at Laurel Gardens in Mancetter. To find out more click HERE.
The Makery in Nuneaton Town Centre run a ‘memory café’ dementia group. To view their timetable, click HERE.
Other useful services:
Dementia Adventure offer supported small group holidays for those with dementia and their carers, please click HERE.
Music for dementia help with playlists for those with dementia. Music can help with anxiety and mood, and it can help to bring back memories and feelings, reconnecting people to those they love. Please click HERE.
Admiral Nurses
Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. Continually supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing support for families affected by all forms of dementia – including Alzheimer’s disease. To find out more, click HERE.
Memory Café (Dementia Support) – Atherstone
This Memory Café (ran by Home Instead) offers a space where people can come together in a supportive and friendly environment with others who are in a similar circumstance. Every week members will be offered different activities such as painting, singing and dancing. They will have regular ‘love to move’ sessions and will also be supported by organisations and healthcare professionals on a regular basis. They run weekly on Wednesdays 10:30-12:30pm at Atherstone Memorial Hall, 12 Long Street, Atherstone, CV91AX. To find out more, contact Karen Wilkinson on 01827 431002 or email:
Support for Health Conditions
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
MS Society offer a helpline and support for both those who have MS and their carers. They offer local support groups too. To find out more click HERE.
Mercia MS Therapy Centre provide a variety of therapies for those who have MS. They also have other services including counselling and yoga too. To find out more click HERE.
Fibromyalgia UK West Midlands Support Group This organisation can help to connect you to local support groups. Please click HERE.
The Makery in Nuneaton also runa Fibromyalgia support group, please click HERE.
FND Action can provide information and advice and have online support groups as well as carer’s information and links to community groups and events. Please click HERE.
MacMillan offer an information centre at George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton. They can sit with you in a private room to discuss your needs and provide you with more information in relation to the support that is available to you, including emotional support such as peer support groups and counselling. In addition, they also run a walk and talk group for cancer patients in Nuneaton (Riversley Park) on Tuesdays 1:30pm and have coffee after. To find out more click HERE.
In addition, Maggie’s can help to provide those who have cancer, and their loved ones, with information and support. Take a look HERE.
MSA Trust
CASS (Community Autism Support Service) offer support for adults who live across Coventry & Warwickshire who have Autism (or are awaiting a diagnosis). They can offer support from professionals, peer support and education and training. To find out more, click HERE.
Mental Health
There are lots of ways that you can be supported with your mental health.
Mental Health Practitioner
We have a Mental Health Practitioner working within our surgeries that can help to support a person with their mental wellbeing. She can offer 4/5 sessions of support which can include areas such as sleep hygiene, relaxation, coping strategies, emotional regulation and compassion focused interventions for trauma, depression and anxiety management.
Counselling services
Healthy Mind (IAPT) is a free NHS service that offer talking therapies to people who are feeling anxious, low in mood or depressed. You can self-refer into this service if you feel you would benefit from speaking to someone about the way you are feeling. Please click HERE.
Free Mental Wellbeing Courses (venue based and online options)
Recovery and Wellbeing offer a whole range of courses that have been designed to help you to manage your mental wellbeing. They are free of charge for anyone over the age of 18 living in the Coventry and Warwickshire area. To find out more click HERE.
Mental Wellbeing Apps
You can access online apps that help to promote positive mental wellbeing such as meditation and mindfulness tools for a small fee. They can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and improve sleep and focus. Please click on the links below.
Mind can offer lots of information and advice around mental health. Their website provides resources, as well as out of hour’s crisis numbers. They also enable you to find out more about online peer support and local support groups. Please click HERE.
Mind run a local support group, please call 01827 714989 for more information.
Exercise Referral Scheme
Exercise comes with a wealth of health benefits, including to our mental health. Exercise can help to improve mood, give you more energy, help you sleep better, and make you feel happier and more relaxed. We currently are able to offer a 12-week exercise referral through Fitter Futures which helps you to gain reduced price access to your local leisure centres/gyms (those taking part in the scheme) to help you to give yourself time to focus on your own health needs. To find out more about how the scheme works, click HERE.
If you would like to be referred, please contact your GP surgery and they will book you an appointment with the relevant person to check your eligibility.
Bereavement Support
Cruse are an organisation that can provide support with grief. They have a helpline and can also help you to source local support, as well as offering 1-1 support too. Please click HERE.
MacMillan can help those affected by cancer to source local bereavement support. Please click HERE.
Compassionate Communities offer a bereavement group at Nuneaton library fortnightly on Fridays 1:30-3:30pm. Please call Pamela on 07500 782658 to find out more.
The Makery in Nuneaton offer a bereavement support café. Please view their timetable HERE.
St Giles Hospice have a variety of bereavement support meetings in areas including Tamworth. To find out more click HERE.
Children and Family Support
CASS (Community Autism Support Service) offer a service to support children and young people who have Autism (or who are awaiting a diagnosis). Their services can include support from professionals, peer support and training and education. To find out more, click HERE.
Spectrum offer events, sessions and support for families of children with Autism, additional needs, learning difficulties and disabilities. Click HERE to find out more.
Please see below some organisations that can help to support you and your child with ADHD:
Children & Young People’s Mental Health
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), are services that can support young people experiencing poor mental health, or difficult feelings or experiences. To find out more, click HERE.
If you feel your child would benefit from this service, please contact your GP surgery and our reception team will book you in with a relevant member of staff to discuss this.
*Please note: there is a waiting list currently in place for this service
Parenting Project
This organisation can help to support families with their overall mental health and wellbeing. They offer a variety of services and resources. To find out more, click HERE.
Warwickshire Family Information Service
These are a service that can support families in a variety of ways. To find out more, click HERE.
Young Carers
Carer’s Trust
Young carers are people aged between 5 and 18 years old who have a responsibility for looking after or helping someone else to look after a person who has a disability, a long term illness, mental health illness, Autism/ADHD or someone addicted to drugs or alcohol. The Carer’s Trust can help to support a young carer and provide information and advice, as well as organising times to give them a break. To find out more, click HERE.
Other useful resources for young carers:
- Warwickshire Young Carers
- NHS UK: Being a Young Carer
- NHS UK: Help for Young Carers
- Barnardos
- Carers First: Young Carers
- Children Society: Supporting Young Carers
- Action for Children
- Carers Trust: My Future My Feelings My Family Leaflet
- Carers Trust: Enabling Young Carers to Reach Their Goal in Life Leaflet
- Young Minds: Coping With Life Leaflet
- Childrens Society Young Carers Festival
Additional Resources
Here’s some additional resources to help support carers:
- Cares UK
- Mobilise: Carers Guide to Respite
- Caring Together: Help with Energy Debt
- Carers UK: Information & Support Guide
- NHS UK: Support & Benefits
- Gov.UK Carers Allowance
- Caring Together: Financial Support Information for Carers
- Working Families
- Care for Carers
- Rethink
Specsavers – home tests
Specsavers offer home tests for those who are unable to leave home unaccompanied due to a physical and mental illness or disability. To find out more, click HERE.
Need further support?
If you’d like to speak to someone about your non-clinical support needs, we have a Social Prescribing Link Worker who works across our surgeries on hand to help you. Please click HERE to find out more about our Social Prescriber.
Our Social Prescriber is the link between what our patients need, and what support is out there to accommodate that need. They can work with you and can help to source relevant and appropriate support that can help to improve your overall health and wellbeing. The Social Prescriber can also put referrals through on your behalf to organisations that you would like further support from.
If you would like to engage with our Social Prescribers services, please contact your main GP surgery line and our reception team will help to find you a suitable appointment slot.