Warwickshire County Council Children & Family Support

Warwickshire County Council Children & Family Support

Support and Advice for families in Warwickshire

No one ever said being a parent or carer was easy! There are lots of support services available in Warwickshire to support you and your family…..

The Family Information Service (FIS)

Get in touch with Warwickshire’s family information service for advice and guidance on a wide range of subjects including:

  • Housing
  • Finance
  • Childcare
  • Parental conflict and contact
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Telephone: 01926 742274

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: @WarwickshireFIS

Twitter: @WarksFIS

Available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. All enquires will be responded to during this time.

Family Support

Get in touch with a family support worker for advice andguidance on parenting and all aspects of family life.

Support can be offered through telephone calls, video calls,text messages or email to suit your needs.

Telephone: 01926 412412

Available Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. All enquires will be responded to during this time.

To contact your local district or borough support team via email please click here to visit the website.

please click here to sign up to the Family Information Service newsletter for regular updates to support you and your family!

For more information and advice for families including parenting courses, workshops and other support services please go to: